The new James Bond movie, the 23rd in the hit spy series, will be titled "Skyfall," and feature a shirtless Daniel Craig and Javier Bardem, as well as two new "Bond girls," played by Berenice Marlohe and Naomi Harris.Details about the new film were revealed by director Sam Mendes, cast members and producers at a press conference in London on Thursday, November 3, after weeks of speculation about it "We will be shooting the movie 'Skyfall' here in London," Mendes told reporters."We will be shooting Bond's journey takes him to China, to Shanghai and other parts of China, to Istanbul in Turkey and other parts of Turkey and to Scotland. I think has all the elements of a classic Bond movie including, to quell any rumors, a lot of action." Daniel Craig, who played James Bond in the films "Casino Royale" and "Quantum of Solace," said he was "very comfortable" stepping back into Agent 007's ...